Thursday, May 25, 2006

Workin girl

So as some of you may know, I have a new job in Peace corps!!

My former job sitauation was pretty insane; no coworkers, no director of my organization, no youth... Things were kinda okay back in January, but still pretty iffy. I used to joke with friends that I had promoted myself to "director of the NGO." One girl even suggested that I start all sentences with "As the director of this NGO.." it was pretty funny. Finally, after 4 months of my counterpart (peer coworker) driving taxis all day, Peace Corps agreed that it was time to find me a new organization.

So now, I work in the Palace of Culture (dvoretsa na kyltyrata)! They are really eager to work with me, AND they show up to work!! My new counterpart is named Desi, and she is about the same age as me, and seems like she'll be fun to work with. I share an office with a few people, one of which is an author who is totally crazy!! he has a really good time trying to tell me jokes in bulgarian, and giving me books about the bible and the koran to read in english ( I understand them).

I think things will be going a lot better for me from now on, and I look forward to writing some grants and finally getting to be a volunteer!!


At 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi tones,

hope you read this. how's it going? email me at my hotmail account. I'm not sure what email you check these days.

Matt S.

At 9:20 AM, Blogger Maegen said...

hey lady. I'm glad that everything is cool at work, and hope it stays that way. It's nasty when there's no structure, at least for me.

Have a good week!


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