American in One week!
Hey all! i have been awfully terrible about keeping this blog updated. My apologies!
there are a lot of things that are different about bulgaria. I've forgotten most of those things, however, and adjust my life around them. BUT there is one thing that I really HATE about bulgaria, and can't manage to adjust to; purses. In Bulgaria, you aren't allowed to put your purse on the ground. For example, if you are leaving someone's house and putting your shoes is completely unacceptable to put your purse onthe ground as you tie your shoes. If you are a guest for tea of for a meal in someone's house, it owuld be absurd to set your purse down next to your chair. If you are out in public, never, ever ever put your purse on the ground...everyone will stare at you and think you are insane! Sometimes it is much more convinient to simply set your purse down next to you, and go about your merry ways...
today I spent some time with a girl named Asia. Her mother works for Peace Corps, and they happen to live in the same town as me. well, i finally met up with Asia a few weeks ago, and as of late, we've been hanging out together. She studies egyptology at a local university and is about the same age as me. Anyway, today we were in the city park, and we passed by a little cabin. Asia called it "baba yaga's house," and started laughing. I had heard the cabin called this before, so I asked her what the deal was. Well, Baba Yaga is a character from Russian Literature, and...amongst other things, she eats kids!! So, in the way that older kids terrorize younger kids without any sort of remorse, this park houses Pernik's Baba Yaga...the grandma who eats kids.
okay, that story was supposed to be better, but i'm tired!!!
tomorrow, i am finally moving apartments!! after a few weeks in limbo and enduring a lot of stress...I signed the contact today! tomorrow i'll hand over the money, then start the process of moving my stuff from one end of town to the other. I can't wait until its all done!
THEN, then i'm coming to america! not in the eddy murphy sense of the phrase... but hey... if I somehow become a princess while I travel, i'm not going to complain! I will be in the US for almost 2 weeks for my sister's wedding. So if you don't already have plans (like graphing calculator camp...thanks adam. i miss you too!), stop by and say hello!
america, here i come!